Meets Claude - And He Has a Message For YOU! Meets Claude - And He Has a Message For YOU!
By  | Jun 23, 2011

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As mentioned, I nipped down to Cork yesterday to have a decco at Clarins' forthcoming autumn/winter 2011 (yes, we're at the AW collections!) products.

Why did I go?

Sure, I love me a bit of Clarins. Skincare's sublime but the makeup's come on in leaps and bounds in the last couple of years too. Lots of reformulations, excellent packaging and fun, witty limited editions have pushed it into the spotlight and it's now a brand on a beauty junkie's radar.

Oh, and then there's Claude.

We've met him a time or two before on the blog and not only is he serially handsome (and a bit of a Rupert Everett lookalike) but he's a crack makeup artist and a font of knowledge about the brand. Knowing the effect his handsome visage has had on you lot in the past and having borne witness to the devastating effect of his seriously sexy accent in person (steamed-up specs, hair twirling around fingers as grown women stare into space - the space between Claude's eyes - plus heaving bosoms and girlish giggles etc etc), I hit upon a plan. What better way to entertain us on a Thursday morning than combining Claude in both sound AND vision?


And so I asked him to participate in a video spectacular.

Witness, readers of, as he enunciates the name of the site - no, you'll never say it the same way again either - and flutter your hands against your breast as he tells us how he thinks makeup can help women feel beautiful. Er, you can also hear me breathing - um, heavy breathing - as I film this Oscar-worthy performance.

Truly, I am the next Scorsese. Bow down before my shaky-handed abilities - and weep at Claude's magnificence.

PS: a full rundown of the collection is to follow (once I recover, etc) but there's a very small sneaky peek below.

One of six new palettes to launch in mid-August.

Three new Rouge Prodige shades, one of which (centre), Claude says is "the perfect nude."

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