Australia Goes Postal for Scented Stamps - But What Would Ireland's Smell Like?

I only know two people who still regularly send postcards home from their holidays - and before you ask, no, they're not ancient crusty technology-eschewing luddites. They're both smartphone-toting late twentysomethings, and one of them's a bloke.
Anyway, I hope they head to Australia on their travels sometime soon, because I quite fancy getting some scratch 'n' sniff correspondence from Down Under. This month, the Antipodean postal service is releasing a series of stamps depicting iconic Aussie native horticultural products like, er, bush honey, macadamia nuts, tea-tree oil, and eucalyptus oil. That last one's what grabbed my eye (and nose) because the stamp will actually be imbued with the scent of eucalyptus oil.
Which got me to thinking. If An Post decided to bring out a line of stamps fragranced with quintessential Irish scents, what do you think they should smell of? Milk and potatoes and cabbage? A turf fire? Fried turnip and rashers?
Answers on a postcard*, please...
* Or in the comments. Whichever's handiest, like.