Armchair Voyeur #2: A Look at How I Store Eyeshadow, Foundation & Lipsticks

Armchair Voyeur #2: A Look at How I Store Eyeshadow, Foundation & Lipsticks
By  | Feb 16, 2012

In the comments on last week's post on some of my Muji storage, Sandy Beach asked, "That all you have Kirstie?" To which I was forced to reply, "erm, no..." For no, no indeed. That was but a fraction of the mess beautiful delight that is my makeup collection.

It is brilliant, don't get me wrong, amazing to have makeup and skincare testing as part of your job, but figuring out how to store the buggers can be a bit of a problem. I don't keep everything I'm sent by a long shot - some of it's crap, some of it's not the right shade or incorrect for my skintype and tone and so I pass things along. But I do make a point of keeping a lot of products for a good while because I know I'll use them again and again for the blog for a swatch here or there or for a reference or a dupe.

Some stuff I'm a-storin'

And me flah is bleedin' tineeeee. So I've lots of boxes I fit in under things, like these three B&Q purchases. I can't remember how much they were - sorry! - but not more than a few quid each. They fit nicely beneath my bathroom sink cabinets and they have lids, which I like because everything stays clean. I use them to store lipsticks and glosses; (some of) my foundations, primer, bronzers and blush and the third holds eye products like shadow, pencils and liners.

I have more stuff elsewhere, worry not.


Want a closer goo at what's in each? Your wish is my very command, etc.

Lipsticks: millions of 'em! In there I've got:

My eye box is rammed to capacity and just some of the contents include:


Hands up who loves foundation? OH! All of us! I have more lurking elsewhere too but some of my foundation, blusher and bronzer box contains:

And a closer look at the auld foundations box.

So, have you got any of the same stuff as me? How do you store yours? Dish in a comment!