What really works - Vichy Capital Soleil

What really works - Vichy Capital Soleil
By Beaut.ie  | Jun 15, 2007

I've written about Capital Soleil before - but now on holliers in a hot hot coutry it's really come into its own.

The Pro-Density Protective Cream is especially formulated for the thin and sensitive skin of face, neck, decollete and hands. It´s a good high factor 30, has UVB and UVA protection and is very moisturising. It soaks into your skin like a regular hand or body lotion - and this is the best bit - it doesn´t make my eyes stream.

I'm keeping it in my handbag and liberally applying it to my hands (the fear of developing scary Madonna hands is strong in me) and grabbing the husband every time a shaft of sunlight falls upon him. He's quite good at applying sun cream now when we're actively sunbathing, but at those other times (wandering around, sitting in a cafe etc) his pale Irish skin can turn lobster red, resulting in pain and suffering for the rest of a holiday.


A little tube of Capital Soleil is the perfect solution. And though I'm like a Mammy nagging him to put it on, it's working!