Lidl Launch Affordable Organic Beauty Line

Lidl Launch Affordable Organic Beauty Line
By  | Nov 25, 2008

They've been in-store since the 13th and will only stay around until they sell out, so get to your local Lidl to pick up their Suhada Nature line, a range of organic cosmetics for face, hair and body.

Certified by BDIH, the German equivalent of the UK's Soil Association, you're guaranteed products that are nasty-free and kind to the earth. And as befits Lidl's ethos, they're super-cheap too. Nothing is over €6.99, and the majority of products are under a fiver.


Any drawbacks? The fragrance, while very nice - think spicily ginger - is a bit strong, which is scrummy in the body products, but perhaps not so fab in facial skincare. But all perfumes used are derived from essential oils, so nothing is going to cause anyone with a fragrance allergy a problem, which is a huge plus.

All in all, big thumbs up to this very affordable organic line. Now, if other manufacturers would follow suit, everyone, regardless of budget, could afford organic cosmetics.