A lifetime of watching what she ate and regular exercise had left Claire enviably slim, toned and superfit. She gave up this discipline for the purpose of this programme, ditched the exercise and embraced the joys of loads of chips, pasta, burgers, pringles, mojitos and more chips.
Her shape changed drastically within six weeks. It was amazing how quickly the pounds piled on. She put on two stone on the scales and ten inches on her waist.
That's all by the by I think. Because really why on earth do actresses submit themselves to the humiliation of this kind of television? Claire was happy and confident with her figure at the start of the programme, she'd worked damn hard for it.
There were loads of things I wanted to ask Claire as I watched this. First of all - why would you jeopardise your health for the sake of a stupid TV programme? And secondly why would you deliberately make yourself unhappy and miserable about your shape?