Alexandra catches sight of her shapeless gold sack dress in a mirror for the first time
Well I've never seen the like of it. All the blubbering, wailing and snotting that was going on in the X-Factor final on Saturday was enough to make you despair. Alexandra cut rivulets through her thick stage foundation with her tears - but her eye makeup stayed put.
This was some heavy duty stuff she had on. Normally at the mere thought of a stiff wind my mascara starts to melt, panda-like down my face. I get those horrible black rivers down my face if I dare to shed a sniffle. Once the lip starts to wobble that's it - I'm done for.
So what did she have on? What could have stood up to such sheer emotion? From Liquidlast to Masterpiece waterproof mascara what do you think it was that rode out the storm - and what do you rely on to stay put?