Testing and trying (purely for your edification, y'unnerstan', I get nothing from this) autumn /winter launches across a spread of brands, I've found a few truly ace products that I'm using all the time at the mo. YSL's Creme de Blush is one, as is the many, many-mentioned Rouge Dior Serum de Rouge. Being such a blusher/lipstick whore, another that's seriously taken my fancy is Illamasqua's Avenge lipstick, from the Dystopia collection.
If I thought Dior's Diorlyworld was the height of slutty pinkness then this caused me to have a very quick re-think. Avenge is bright. Oh boyyyyaaa, this is really, really, really, really bright. Verging on flouro, it is of course right up my show-off street. It makes my teeth look unbelievably yellow, it won't work at all on chapped lips as it heightens the appearance of any flaky bits, but if you condition your pout beforehand then it's a super-star.
So basically, I really, really, really, really love this.