Just when you think civilisation is progressing….
After rumours circulated (via fellow News UK owned paper The Times) that The Sun had finally retired the 'institution' that was (and apparently unfortunately still is) the printing of topless models on page 3, the tabloid this morning went and printed this on the front page.
Sun megatrolls the world, Page 3 back and naked as ever… RT @MediaGuido: Sun front page: http://t.co/Idy25LP1NB pic.twitter.com/5KelpncRy7
— Steve Ladurantaye (@sladurantaye) January 21, 2015
Yes, Page 3 is alive and well and sarcastic as hell. Not content with pulling the wool over everyone's eyes by printing a topless photo of a model winking at the camera, they also twisted the knife by calling out all the publications who talked up the 'retirement' of Page 3, with the head of PR for The Sun Dylan Sharpe calling out specific reporters and critics who hailed the end of the section.
The Sun have not ditched Page 3 after all. From tomorrow's paper: pic.twitter.com/tiIJWKWRhT
— BuzzFeed UK (@BuzzFeedUK) January 21, 2015
This one's for @lucymanning, @GreensladeR, @KayBurley, @steve_hewlett, @HarrietHarman and many, many others... pic.twitter.com/eJzgcLWGU1
— Dylan Sharpe (@dylsharpe) January 22, 2015
The anti-Page 3 campaigners aren't taking the turn around lying down though, with the campaigners 'No More Page 3' responding with a petition to end Page 3 and thanking The Sun for the publicity.
So it seems the fight might be back on. Thanks to @TheSunNewspaper for all the publicity they've given the campaign. See you tomorrow xxx
— NoMorePage3 (@NoMorePage3) January 21, 2015
#NoMorePage3 because joking about its return above a story sensationalising sexual violence is deeply problematic https://t.co/ufDebYvVuo
— NoMorePage3 (@NoMorePage3) January 22, 2015
We'll have to wait until tomorrow to see whether or not it was a once-off or a stunt, but somehow, considering how smug The Sun is being today, it might just be here to stay.
Well, Cllr Keith Redmond is probably happy about tit anyway.
Does this return of the topless pics make you feel like we're inhabiting a world that's going backwards? We'd love to hear your thoughts!