Nowadays, we're all so fed up to our eyeballs with Big Brother that we barely even know who is in the house from one year to the next. However, there was a time when Big Brother was one of the most watched shows on telly, with a concept that was so new to us, we didn't want to look away for even a minute.
And it all began back in the summer of 2000, we had arrived into a new century safe and sound, and Channel 4 thought they would mix things up for us a bit with their very own reality show. Nowadays, reality shows are of course dime a dozen, but other than The Real World over in The States, this was the first we had really seen of it.
Those original housemates would have arrived into the gaff however absolutely clueless at the media frenzy that would await them when they left, with many even wondering if indeed anyone was watching at all. But we were, in our millions.
Now those first housemates are set to reunite to mark 15 years since the original Big Brother was broadcast. Our Irish representative that first year was TV presenter and former nun (yes, former nun) Anna Nolan, who said she "immediately said yes" to the upcoming reunion.
Nolan wrote in the Herald that she was looking forward to seeing how everyone is getting on, although she has kept in touch with a few of them. The winner of that show, Craig, is now a successful property developer (remember when he released a single? Jaysus), Mel has a baby boy, Darren 'hasn't aged a bit' while loud mouthed Caroline has found Jesus. No word on Nasty Nick... who really doesn't seem that nasty anymore considering all who came after.
Anna went on to say; "Fifteen years ago we were young(ish), innocent(ish) guinea pigs, about to step into what was to become the biggest television show of a generation.
"Like any reunion, no doubt we will hear of how life has thrown many challenges, many hurdles in people's paths, and hopefully given them some gifts along the way".
"I cannot wait to see the Housemates of 2000. We had a blast. Sure it was only a game show!"
We're assuming this will be televised for Channel 4 although so far it's only Anna that has reported it happening.
While Irish fans of the show can also rejoice in knowing they can watch all of Big Brother and Big Brother's Bit on the Side on TV3 this summer.
Sigh. It's not going anywhere any time soon, is it?