Sarah Jessica Parker Will Make You Want a Pair of Jordache Jeans

Christ. On a Bike. With no lights. Or, in this instance, Sarah Jessica Parker. Astride a bench. In a pair of Jordache...' Observe the power of advertising at work.

There are a few other ones doing the rounds, like this one...

And this one...


And then this one. Did we mention this one already?

The brand are harking back to their looks from the 70s and 80s for their current line, and the jeans are available via You'll be looking in the region of 100 knicker to buy a pair, but Us Weekly have been advised that - if you happen to be visiting the States -  SJP "is also working it for Jordache's Walmart collection, the latest iteration of which - the Fall 2015 line - starts at $17 a pair, and will be available in stores and online come mid-July."

Can SJP sell you jeans? Or are you, like me, more of a "sure a pair of leggings will do. Feeling a bit bloaty today" kinda gal?

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