Amy Celebrates her B-Day While BOD Crowdsurfs in Hong Kong

While her hubby BOD was living it up in Hong Kong - on a "business trip" - Amy Huberman was celebrating turning 36 with the help of her mates over the weekend, including stylist Ingrid Hoey.

In case you're wondering who Betty is, she is the general term of endearment that a portion of people give to their friends. For example, I spent most of 2002 answering to the name 'Betty.' One can only assume the same applies here. Just a theory. 

According to, Amy kicked up her heels at "trendy new restaurant Cleaver East with friends", where she sported a denim dress and got on down with the staff who requested selfies.

It was no less than she deserved, you know, considering what the hubby was getting up to. Luckily for BOD, a giant Tobler is all she's after by way of compensation.


Has your other half ever been MIA for your birthday? If so, did they try and make up for it?

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