Pics: Can You Tell Rumer Willis and Mum Demi Apart?

There are a few certainties in life. One of them is the moment when you cop that you've turned into your mammy. Rumer Willis posted her moment to Instagram with the caption: "That moment when you realize you actually are becoming your mother #twinning #imnotmad" 


We're sure Demi is beyond delighted. 

As for that bikini shot of Rumer; while we appreciate the work she's put in to fitness during her stint of Dancing With The Stars, we keep getting distracted by the lady in the pink bikini bottoms behind her... is she really attempting to rid herself of arse tan lines by engaging in a bit of poolside sun twershiping? Let's hope she has sunscreen in all the required areas. 



Have you ever had the realisation that you're morphing into your mother? Did it make you smile or shudder slightly?

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