Fifty Shades of Grey has a LOT to answer for. Sure we've all gone mad with the whole thing. Even ITV This Morning embraced it and decided to do a rather risky bondage segment last Tuesday morning just after 10.30am. Ah yes, nothing you like to see more over your morning porridge than some light porn with Philip Schofield and the gang.
The segment entitled 'Bondage for Beginners' featured semi-naked models who demonstrated bondage techniques with the help of a sexpert (that's an expert in sex you guys). They also incorporated a few toys into the segment with the likes of nipple clamps and a Wartenberg Pinwhell. Sure why the hell not of a Tuesday morning!
The segment predictably caused quite the reaction, both positive and negative, on Twitter while Ofcom have received 74 complaints so far with a spokesperson saying they have "not yet decided" whether or not to proceed with an investigation.
The scandal of it all! Imagine if it happened on The Today Show here?! Joe Duffy's head would spin right off. What do you think about that sort of craic? Best left for after the watershed or, sure we're all human anyway?