Say hello to Fiona Murphy, our latest Beaut recruit and guest fitness expert!
One of the Beaut team has been training with Fiona for the last few months and is constantly bringing us back snippets of workout and food info. And we thought why not ask the lady herself to share all these tips and tricks with everyone. First, let’s meet Fiona and get to know a little more about what she’s all about!
Hi Fiona! Welcome to Beaut HQ. So you are a personal trainer, but how many times do you work out a week to stay in shape?
Thanks for having me in to chat with you guys! I workout about four times a week, I absolutely love the feeling I get from training so always make time for it. I think when you love something it’s always so much easier to do.
What type of training do you do?
Mostly weight training which isn’t as intimidating as it sounds! I try to include a high intensity workout (HIIT) too. At weekends I’ll go for walks or maybe even a yoga class but I consider that down-time and not a workout.
What are your favourite exercises to do in the gym?
It depends on what I’m in the mood for, I love deadlifts and legday is my fav, I usually dread a HIIT session but it makes me feel so amazing afterwards that I always make time for it.
What’s in your diet?
The only thing that I really don’t eat is wheat and I try to cut out sugar as much as possible. I love food and eating healthily is honestly a pleasure. Lots of fresh meat, veg, fruit and even carbs - yes, I love my carbs! There are so many amazing combinations possible I always look forward to eating.
What differences do you notice in yourself?
The main thing is my high energy. Training and eating well give me more energy and they help me focus and boost my brain power…I think! Physically I am lean and strong and love my body more now in my 30s than I did when I was in my 20s.
What's the hardest part of staying fit and healthy?
It can be hard to form new habits; I notice this in my new clients. But once you create a routine that includes exercise and healthy eating it really is easy to stick to. Getting back on track after a holiday or even a weekend of too many treats can be tricky but my advice would be to just get back on it ASAP.
How do you stay motivated?
I set myself little goals like being able to do more pullups, I’m doing Hell and Back again soon so things like that I guess. Lots of my friends and family are into health and fitness so it’s easier when you have that support.
Have you got any motivational tips for us?
Find something you enjoy doing and do it! Don’t punish yourself when you slip up, you will more than likely fall off the wagon! Learning to love yourself can be difficult but by focusing on being happy you might find it easier - that’s what worked for me.
Do you ever have a glass of wine or a takeaway?
Hell yes, I encourage all my clients to have a cheat meal once a week. I love to go out for an Indian and a few glasses of wine.
Fiona will be popping in every Tuesday to keep us informed on everything health and fitness related.
If there’s anything you’d like to hear about or if you have any questions, do let us know below.