As you may or may not have been aware, it was also Father's Day stateside yesterday (they decided to mix things up for Mother's Day for some reason). As it happens, Charlie Sheen was not happy yesterday, and he mostly spilled a load of bile about former wife, Richards, all over his twitter. It went along the lines of...
"Brooke M is a sexy rok star whom I adore D Richards is a heretic washed up piglet Shame pile Happy Father's Day! Cadre: on FD; Father's Rights! I INSIST we devour the mendacity of these "kidnapping" D Richards 'types' and bring justice to 'us"
At this point, one is assuming that Denise didn't give him access to their daughters yesterday, while his more recent ex-wife, Brooke Muller, happily gave him their twins Bob and Max. The same twins that Denise Richards took in when Brooke was reportedly getting help for her substance abuse issues.
Anyway, things seemingly got extremely nasty in a barrage of tweets which kicked off with "open letter to the media: Denise Richards is a shake down piece of shit doosh face and the worst mom alive! a d..." And - according to Buzzfeed - they were all promptly deleted.
Richards, however, took the time to post the following zinging response, which puts things in perspective.
Happy Dad's Day! @charliesheen have a great trip in Mexico! Kids were disappointed u weren't here for it- Hey we'll celebrate when u r back!
— Denise Richards (@DENISE_RICHARDS) June 21, 2015
Stay classy, Denise. Someone has to given your shared kids will have access to the internet some day...
Sometimes it's tricky coming up with questions at the end of posts, and this one is particularly tough given the level of 'WRONG' on display here.... But here's one. How many times have you risen about "it"? It's so very hard not to be dragged down to "their" level sometimes, so all sharing regarding floating prowess welcomed.