First of all, these makeup products from Dealz do not look like they're from Dealz. I picked up a bag of goods without knowing where they were from and did a double take when the press release told me they were in fact, from the discount store. Not that budget brands look budget-ty these days, we don't live in the days of Constance Carroll any more!
We never judge goods by their covers here, so I had to see if these totes purse friendly nail polishes and mascaras are really worth €1.49. Yes, you read right, everything in the Dealz Make Up Gallery range is €1.49.
First up, the new nail varnishes in summer shades.
They are rather lovely pastel hues, don't you think? I gave the bottles a good shake and applied the polish carefully, because from experience budget nail varnishes tend to be watery and runny. I placed a dot of polish and glided over it with the brush (which is not half bad) and it went on smoothly. However, they are telling porky pies when they say it's 'quick dry' because it most definitely is not.
The mascaras are perfectly fine. I find it quite amusing that the instructions on the tube are to 'apply generously for never ending lashes' because that's what you have to do.
To give credit where it's due, they didn't clump and the formula of the Plump Up the Volume version contains lash conditioning Panthenol and Keratin which is welcome, but the wands felt the way I imagine a mini toilet brush would. If I forgot my mascara and needed one STAT, I would consider these guys because they are just SO cheap.
Dealz makeup has impressed us in the past. Have you tried it? Is there anything from the line that you've replaced your more expensive items with? Or would you avoid any cosmetic that cost a mere €1.49 like the plague?