Cheryl Fernandez-Versini, by way of advertising "@lorealparisuk Casting Creme Gloss Berry Red 565", has had her hair shorn way past her shoulders. By way of a teaser, she posted this pic of some scissors to her Instagram along with the caption "Long over due..."
And then, what everyone was waiting for - the big reveal...
Reviews via Instagram are currently varying from "I like it! Preferred her longer blonde hair though?" to "I'm not sure it's too layered for my liking! Prefer the bob", and from "I like the colour but I don't understand why you cut your hair off but you still look pretty" to "Gorgeous like always! I love u soooooooo much! U r my whole life xx"
So, whaddaya think? Is it a do for someone ten years her senior? Or should she travel back in time to the mid-90s (there's a serious whiff of 'The Rachel' off that one)...Or is it a case of "never mind the cut, can we discuss the colour already?!" Or do you think none of it matters; she'll pull it off. She's Cheryl, gawdnammit.