If your parents have been warning you that your trousers are too tight, then it might be time to start listening to them.
Doctors in Australia have published a new study in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry that highlights how skinny jeans can be bad for your health, and might even cause you a serious injury.
Their findings were based on the case of a 35-year-old woman in Australia who collapsed and spent hours lying on the ground outside, all as a result of wearing skinny jeans.
She had been helping a friend move house and had spent a long time squatting down in the tight fitting jeans, which caused her all sorts of trouble. In the end, she lost feeling in her feet and legs, after which and her calves became swollen and she fell to the ground.
The doctors had to actually cut her out of the jeans when she eventually got to hospital, where they discovered that she was suffering from compartment syndrome, where the blood is cut off to the muscles, and she had damaged muscles and nerve fibers in her legs.
Turns out Martin's parents were right the whole time, those jeans were too skinny.
There's always one who ruins it for all of us.
So tell us, are you a fan of the skinny or have you made the leap to slouchy boyfriend/ on trend (but still hideous) boot cut? And will you bring Martin's mother's skirt back to Penneys for her?
Via i100 Main pic via Jamie/Flickr