Never mind not cracking a smile and effectively stepping over her, surely the initial gut reaction would be to bend a knee and see if the person sprawled in front of your feet is OK. No? That'd be a resounding negatory.
Here is a close up of Kim and Kanye's reaction to comedienne Amy Schumer falling at their feet.
And here are several twit pics of the same stoic non-reaction...
Kimye got pranked last night and they did not find it at all funny. http://t.co/oZY185OacY pic.twitter.com/8pLtKWsFOG
— Capital XTRA (@CapitalXTRA) April 22, 2015
Well this isn't awkward at all.. @KimKardashian @kanyewest @amyschumer pic.twitter.com/4HScdFtPIz
— J e n n i f e r â™” (@Jennifer0693) April 22, 2015
Kim Kardashian, Kanye West Pranked By Amy Schumer at Time 100 Gala -- and Kanye's Not Impressed: Photo http://t.co/dQ9FwkdFei
— Claire Brooks (@violentdaylight) April 22, 2015
In case their reaction isn't clear, here's a handy run down from a witness speaking to Us Weekly: "They were very serious. Kim smiled a little. Kanye, did not." For those admiring Kim's dress, it's Sophie Theallet.
We're grappling for a defence for Kanye (we're fair like that), and maybe he wasn't impressed as there's still some latent anxiety lurking after Kim was rushed by professional crotch hugger Vitalii Sediuk at Paris Fashion Week (about 6 months ago...) It's the only logical explanation for such a face riddled with deadpan disgruntlement.
Put yourself in Kim's presumed Loubs for a moment, what would you have done? Crack marginally more of a smile and elbowed Kanye to help Amy on her way? Or just floated above the whole scenario?