POLL: Armani Code Ice For Men Hits the Right Note. But Does Your Fella Have the Sense to Buy Good Scents?

Most women are no strangers to the idea of a fragrance wardrobe. You know how it goes, you have a few perfumes on rotation - a light scent for day wear, a heavier option for night. And we tend to change with the seasons - I love florals for Summer but switch to deeper, woodier notes in the Winter.

And while this concept often raises the eyebrows/monobrow (delete as applicable) of our gentlemen friends, this is starting to change. They are realising that Old Spice just doesn't cut it for every occasion (ok, any occasion) and that it’s not just their jackets that they should be changing when the warmer weather comes around.

So when I had a sniff of the brand new Armani Code Ice, I thought this would make a great Summer option for Himself. It's light, picks up on citrus notes and lasts well, without being overpowering.


The really, really ridiculously good-looking Chris Pine is the man they’ve chosen to be the face of this campaign (hasn't he grown up to be a lovely looking young fella?).


And although we’ve never gotten close enough to him (on the request of his lawyers) to smell him, we’re fairly sure he smells nice. Because we all know that a good cologne on a man can result in a moment of knee-buckling as they waft past - a fact that I firmly believe should be printed on leaflets and distributed across the country (or maybe the election leaflets should just include a scratch 'n' sniff sticker so we know what we're getting).

But I'm wondering who buys the scents for the men in your life? Do you buy what you like (I do) and pretend it's a gift from the kindness of your heart? Or does your fella know a good fragrance when he sniffs it and is free to room the fragrance halls without fear that he'll return with Eau de Neanderthal Foot?

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