YSL's Le Teint Touche Éclat Foundation is known widely as among the best out there.
The coverage is light but buildable, the finish dewy with a radiant glow. It's possibly the best foundation to come on the market in the last decade. I know, that's open to debate (let's debate it in the comments below), but it definitely deserves a place in the running.
The downside of creating something of such supreme beauty and functionality is that YSL have a lot to live up to.
Their latest offering, YSL Fusion Ink Foundation, hits counters on August 20th, and is causing a mighty stir online. YSL foundation buffs have been awaiting this release with bated breath, myself among them. But I take my job seriously, and have approached this new offering with the knitted brow and earnest disposition of a seasoned and dignified reviewer. So what's the verdict?
Right. So they've done it again.
With this foundation, YSL have done what Armani tried to do with Face Fabric (somewhat unsuccessfuly). They've created a super light base with excellent, buildable coverage which genuinely works for all skin types and has a demi matte finish that still harks back to the radiance of Le Teint Touche Éclat.
This foundation has everything you could want. As is usually the case, good foundation is more about good skin than anything else, so if you're super dry or super oily, it will give you a bit of trouble. There's literally no foundation that won't, however. It's best to work on balancing the skin and then invest in a foundation.
The consistency is incredibly light and smooth; it glides onto the skin a and doesn't settle in pores.
Unfortunately, the only shade that I could get my hands on was B40, which is significantly too dark for me - I'm a B10. I've mixed it with some white foundation to get a shade match and show you what the foundation looks like on the skin, but it's available in sixteen shades, so you'll find your match without difficulty!
The applicator is a cute homage to the idea of the foundation being light and pigmented, like an ink - it's shaped a bit like the nib of an old fashioned fountain pen. A little goes a very long way and this really is your skin, but better, and the lasting power is the best I've seen in any foundation. Ever.
When this becomes available on August 20th, I'll be in the queue with you to buy my correct shade. This will cost €40, which certainly isn't cheap, but if you have it, it's worth every cent.
This is the best thing to come through Beaut towers in some time. If you're looking for a new foundation, take this one under serious consideration.
Are you excited by this foundation? And which do you think is the most impressive foundation release of the last decade? Let us know in the comments.