It’s a New Year, which means New Year’s resolutions and endless articles about New Year’s resolutions and how best to keep them.
And to be perfectly honest with you, reading things like that tends to make me glaze over around halfway through and idly start Googling pictures of Benedict Cumberbatch before I even realise that I’ve lost interest in the writer’s pledge to do a triathlon or their top ten tips to stick to it.
The usual types of resolutions like going to the gym or eating super-healthy just would not work for me. The last time I was in a gym was around nine years ago and I only really went because I’d heard that the Munster rugby team trained in our college gym and couldn’t resist ambling along for a look. There was no sign of them and I never went back, because it turned out that I really couldn’t be arsed with it. And I enjoy bacon-flavoured crisps far too much to really make any kind of meaningful attempt at giving up junk food properly.
So I’ve decided to just make little resolutions this year, or resolutionettes, if you will. They’re small things that I know I should be doing anyway, but I’m just too lazy to bother with most of the time, so maybe this year they’ll become habits rather than something I have to coax myself into.
The first of these is to properly look after my teeth. Quite shamefully, I often don’t bother brushing them before I go to bed. I feel like such a mankbag for admitting that. But by bedtime I’m sleepy, I’m probably already in my pyjamas and I’ve taken my makeup off, isn’t that enough? I’ll be brushing them in the morning anyway so it’s graaaand, I’ll tell myself.
Well NO MORE. I’m going to brush and floss every night before bed and maybe then I’ll stop having dreams about my teeth falling out with alarming regularity. (I know there’s all manner of interpretations about those dreams meaning something to do with money or self-confidence or whatever, but in my case I just know it's because I worry about my teeth a lot.) I even got some of those little in-betweeny brushes for my teeth, so I mean BUSINESS.
The other resolutionette is simply to take the stairs in work when I go to and from the coffee dock at lunchtime. My office is on the fifth floor, you see. Going down five flights of stairs is fine but coming back up is a whole other story, so I figure that if I do it at least once a day, I’ll eventually get to the point where I don’t feel like I’m going to pass out when I reach the top. Achievable goals are most definitely the way to go for me.
Have you made any resolutions this year? Are they proper big ones like taking up running or learning a new language or are you going for the small changes route too?
Let’s discuss in the comments!