Did you watch the opening ceremony or the first game of the World Cup last night? Were you concentrating on the ridiculous ref'ing or were you scanning the crowd like David Attenborough, looking for the brightly-plumed creature that is the WAG?
This species has evolved somewhat in the last decade, and that can only be seen as a good thing, right? The WAG of the World Cup in 2006 and in 2010 was all blonde extensions, hoisted boobs and oversized bags. And while that may remain aesthetically the same in some cases (think Leah Totton off The Apprentice), it's heartening to know the 'WAGS' of today are more established in their own right.
Speaking of which, let's kick off (apologies) with Totton. You may recognise her as that doctor off the most recent series of The Apprentice (you know the one where Sir Sugar was investing in a person's business idea, as opposed to slotting them into his company for a year or two).
Things are going so well for Leah that she's reportedly unable to join her other half, Celtic's Fraser Foster, in Brazil as she's launching an new area of her cosmetic procedure clinic. Will Lord Sugar be appearing in the before and after shots of her new ad for Brazilian butt lifts? We can only hope.
Next up, we have Coleen Rooney. Sure, her relationship with Wayne Rooney has opened a lot of doors for her, but at least she's utilised them. A lot of people in her privileged position would've been happy to recline on their laurels, lolling around the big gaff and what not. Coleen's latest venture includes hanging out with a load of ladies in bikinis she designed for Littlewoods.
And you may recognise Frank Lampard's missus, Christine Bleakley in the crowd…in fact, you'll probably recognise Christine Bleakley more than England midfielder Frank Lampard. No introduction necessary here, but - in case you don't have a telly - she started off on The One Show and now she's the 'go to' individual for ITV whenever Holly Willoughby is unavailable/too pregnant.
And she has great hair.
Christiano Ronaldo has been dating world famous Victoria's Secret model Irina Shayk (Irina Valeryevna Shaykhlislamova to her Russian parents) for over four years now - kinda proving that - contrary to popular belief - he's not 100% in love with himself. Irina's upcoming projects include appearing in the new Hercules movie alongside Dwayne 'THE RAWK' Johnson, Ian McShane and John Hurt.
And, lastly, today's representation of The WAG is Shakira. Indeed this is someone who initially made her name singing about her shimmying hips' inability to fib, and how her 'small and humble breasts' could be easily 'confused with mountains', but she's been a household name since 2001 - unlike Barcelona player Gerard Pique. Just saying.
Do you love this new breed of footballing partnership? Or do you secretly miss the pneumatic species of yore? And are Leah and Shakira really tiny or are their men just huge?