He was named the World’s Sexiest Actor by Empire in 2013, he’s in three films with Oscar nominations that are playing in cinemas right now and his voice sounds like a cross between Alan Rickman and a bar of Galaxy Caramel.
Why, it’s Benedict Cumberbatch, of course!
After last week’s post about resolutions devolved into a conversation about how indecently hot so many of us find the ridiculously named actor, it just felt right to give him a post of his very own. With lots of pictures.
It seems that people are either besotted with him or at a complete loss as to why everyone seems to fancy him so much. And to be fair, I can see where the second group are coming from. I mean, objectively he IS a bit of an odd-looking dude.
His eyes are a bit far apart, his chin is huge, sometimes his hair is a bit dodgy (I mean dammit Benedict, how am I supposed to fancy you when you’re made to look like Julian Assange? RIDDLE ME THAT) but nevertheless it all manages to add up to a six foot tall glass of HELL YES.
Aside from his off-kilter handsomeness, there’s the fact that he’s an undeniably brilliant actor, gleefully wreaking havoc in Star Trek: Into Darkness, coldly working out everyone’s life story in Sherlock or giving me confusing feelings about a CGI dragon in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.
He also comes across in interviews as a genuinely lovely person with a great sense of humour about his fame and the enormous following he has, not to mention his thoughtful response to the fact that some of his fans referred to themselves as Cumberbitches:
I won’t allow you to be my bitches. I think it sets feminism back so many notches. You are…Cumberpeople.
Handsome man talking about feminism… * throws knickers in the air *
Also, I particularly enjoy the creative descriptions that journalists and columnists come up with when discussing him. Caitlin Moran described his voice as sounding “like a jaguar hiding in a cello”, while Patrick Freyne of The Irish Times made reference to “his face like a pale, handsome, well-sucked wine gum” in his review of Sherlock’s return.
And let’s not forget that time that he danced with our very own Michael Fassbender at the Golden Globes and made everyone’s pants fall off.
That wasn’t just me, was it?
So, are you a Cumberperson?
Or are you completely confused by the whole thing? And if you are, have you tried watching Sherlock? Because you really should.