Cats at Christmas - More Cute/Evil Than Ever

Ah but would ya look at them!

Look, we're not going to make excuses for their 'owners', but honestly, you put a big tree with a load of dangling, shiny things on it in the middle of their living room (it is their living room, trust us on that) and you think everything will just be cool? We can all just be friends and get along with this weird indoor tree?

Blofeld and cat

Big mistake pal, those miniature lions are going to attack it, tear it apart and try to eat bits of it because that's what they do. If they successfully do eat something off it, then it's your job to clean up the inevitable pile of tinsel-laden vomit that follows. Merry Christmas.


Adorable or infuriating? Cats versus dogs? The secret rulers of the world? So many questions, answers and ramblings about cats that need to to be addressed. Comment time!


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