I secretly think that trends are for chumps. Well, let me clarify that - expensive trends are for chumps. I mean, some expensive purchases will see you through years. That little black dress is definitely worth investing in; it will never let you down. Your foundation is also worth investing in. It's absolutely worth spending on the best one you can afford to see you through the whole winter or summer. That's a sound investment.
A yellow suede tasselled clutch bag with perspex panelling that costs €400? Not such a sound investment. Your mammy was right; you'll get no wear outta that oul' thing.
I feel the same when it comes to makeup. If it isn't something that you'll wear day in day out until it's all gone, it ain't worth spending a lot on. That goes for nail polish too. A lot of very high-end brand polishes don't actually boast better quality than affordable pharmacy brands. The ones genuinely worth spending on can be counted on one hand!
These quick-dry "In a NY Minute" polishes from NYC are just right for the season - they'd combine to make an interesting multi-colour look - and the lasting power is not at all bad. The opacity is impressive too. At €1.99, they're a great way to experiment with seasonal colour and still have change left over for a Snickers!
The eye palettes are very pretty. Central Park Lavender is a selection of purples with a white highlighting colour, while A kiss on the Hudson is a more wearable collection of pinky peaches with a browny maroon contour colour.
The warm pinks and cool purples are bang on for autumn, and at €3.79 each, they give you the chance to have a play with makeup. And that's what it's for, damn it! But not if you have to sacrifice your Snickers.
What do you think? And HAVE you ever worn the yellow suede tasselled clutch bag with perspex panels? Let us know in the comments!