We've been looking back at some of our most popular Halloween tutorials because, well, we need the inspiration! We're all about fast fixes, and this is one impressive last minute look.
Happy Halloween! I love the makeup at this time of year, but it can be high pressure. Last year, I had great fun as Marie Antoinette which required a lot of forward planning. If you find yourself caught out and on the spot, here's a freakish tutorial that you can do using things which you should have lying around the house! It's a brilliant last minute costume because the makeup does all the work - you don't even need to change your clothes!
Here's what you'll need:
- Liquid latex or eyelash glue. Check the back of the cupboard for all the little tubes of latex lash glue that have come with lashes you've bought over the years!
- A disposable eye patch (available in pharmacies) OR extra large plaster.
- Cling film
- A selection of red lipsticks - a bright, a medium and a dark red shade
- Some false blood, either stolen from an obliging child or from the euro store!
- Cotton buds
Step One
- First things first, lay out a sheet of cling film and pour your latex or lash glue on in some strips or blobs. It really doesn't matter, just make them about as wide as a euro coin and leave them to set while you get on with the next job.
- You can wear this atop your normal makeup, with a much more intense zombie makeup like the Banshee look or with no makeup at all! Before applying your eye patch or plaster, colour it in with black eyeliner and cut it to size to fit over your eye. If you're using a large plaster, ensure it is big enough for your eye to be able to open and move around comfortably underneath and make sure not to attach any adhesive to the delicate skin on your eyes!
- Apply the plaster to your chosen eye and grab you lash glue or latex. I'm using Kryolan liquid latex, but lash glue will do the job just as well if you have some lying around!
- The trick with latex is to apply thin layers, waiting for each one to get a little bit dry before applying the next. Go around the circumference of the eye patch as in the photo above. Don't worry about mess- mess is the point! Take the latex in toward the centre of the patch, just a little. This will eliminate any obvious line where the patch begins. We're aiming for a raised texture that looks like scar tissue. Spread it around with a cotton bud. The latex will dry clear, so don't worry if it looks patchy and very unimpressive for a while. It will come together!
- Use the latex, lash glue to create any other marks you might like on your face - I'm adding a cut on my cheek and pulling the latex down from the eye so that it looks drippy and extra horrible.
Step Two
- Building it up will take a bit of time, so be patient with it.
- By this time, the latex on your cling film should be semi-dry. If you push the edges of it, you'll see it wrinkle up - tug at the edge and you'll get a nasty looking stringy bit. One by one, gather up these horrible stretchy sludgy bits and stick them around the edge of the eye patch as in the photo top left. Keep going until you have lots of raised ridgy bits and it starts to look more like a wound.
- Next the most fun bit. It looks difficult, but it isn't. Grab one of your red lipsticks and dot it across the now dry latex or lash glue in patches here and there. No need to be exact.
- Next, pick up the middle red shade and repeat the process. Do the same with the dark red shade when you're ready. You'll have a mottled, patchy effect that looks more like a wound.
- Grab some more of your black gel liner on a fluffy shadow brush and dot that randomly around too to create a dirty, charred effect and give the wound depth.
- Cover any shiny or white edges of the latex with your normal foundation or concealer.
Step Three
- Keep adding more red or dabbing on more black gel liner with the fluffy brush until you're happy with the effect.
- Next, grab a deep brown or plum liner and with a clean, fluffy brush, blend it around the very edges - particulary the nose and temples - to add depth and a bruised effect.
- The piece de resistance is really the blood because it gives the wound a nasty wet look and brings it to life. I'm using Kryolan blood capsules, but even a cheap blood will do. Generally, cheaper false blood will have a more artificial looking electric red shade, so mix it with a tiny dot of gel eyeliner to darken it.
- Apply liberally and wherever you want it!
What do you think? And what will you be doing this evening? Share in the comments and have fun tonight!