A leanabh with a sippy cup full of Ribena usually manages to look cleaner and more groomed than I do after I have spent mere minutes in a white tshirt. White jeans will instantly become covered in grass stains/chocolate/gross unidentified goo.
I bought a gorgeous white jacket in Zara last year - and it has been worn exactly twice. Twice. The first time I wore it I spent the whole day TERRIFIED that something would spill and mark its perfection. I got through the day a quivering wreck, but at least the jacket was untainted.
Main: a-wear €59 ; top: French Connection €143; bottom Warehouse €53
The second time I wore it though a blue biro leaked indelibly all over one of the sleeves. No amount of Daz or Vanish was getting that stain out - I promise you.
Clockwise: Oasis €92, € River Island€42; Mango €92; Karen Millen €251
It doesn't stop me lusting after all the white fabulousness in the shops at the moment though. The amount of gorgeous white dresses on display is enough to make me WEEP with despair - because I know there's not a snowballs chance in hell I could survive the day in one.
What about you? Are you rocking a white dress - and managing to keep it clean?