Could we BE any more obsessed with pores at the moment?
No is the answer. The hot humid weather has revealed a host of pore based horrors and luckily the cosmetic industry has responded with lots of lovely products to make a difference.
We've just looked at a great new mask to help suck the gunk out of pores and a brand new foundation to make them look well behaved. But what about primers? They're brilliant for smoothing out the look of skin, providing a great base for makeup and generally deceiving the eye.
I expected it to smooth out lines, mattify and provide a good base for foundation and it does all those things. But is it good enough to allow you to go foundation free? Not a bit of it. Not unless you've got really good skin anyway.
It's probably more the magic of silicones and not the molecule LR2412 and pore reducing agent, Perline-P that L'Oreal reckon are key ingredients here . Watch out for primers/complexion smoothers/base products with lots of ingredients ending in "-cone" e.g (dimethecone) or -xane because they do really work.
Anyway back to Cherdidle. She's the new Face of this range and is promising it's good enough to allow her to go foundation free in front of the camera.
What do you reckon? All smoke and mirrors or will you be giving it a go?