Vichy are a tried and trusted Beaut.ie favourite. The quality of their products and the science behind them never fails to deliver and that's why we're so delighted to be the first to bring you news of this fantastic new serum and the deadly game that gives you lots of opportunities to win loads of goodies and claim a free sample for yourself.
Just a drop of this serum moisturises and regenerates the eye area - and strengthens and fortifies lashes while its at it. The results are instant. Trial results found that you'll see illuminating and hydrating effects straight away, while within one month of use a significant proportion of us can expect to see a reduction in crows feet and undereye wrinkles.
Plus 97% of women found that their eye makeup lasted longer - which is the kind of news we like to hear.
I've been trying it out and there will be opportunities for some of you to get in on the trialling (which you are so brilliant at) and win exclusive prizes.
So keep an eye on the site. We'll be telling you all about the game, more about the serum and how to get in on the action later on today!