We thought it was impossible to find a sun protection solution that worked better, worked harder and provided total security in the sun. We've consistently rated the La Roche Posay Anthelios range for its hard working performance and ease of use (it wins the Beaut.ie suncream award every year) - the tinted facial versions are absolute genius and can double up as light makeup during the sweatiest days.
Dry, sensitive skin is an absolute bugger to protect from the sun. I don't have sensitive skin but most suncreams will get even my eyes stinging, watering and see me rushing to the tap screaming "my eyeballs!". Not so with Anthelios thankfully which is the reason so many of us love it so very much.
But wait for it - Anthelios XL Invisible Nutritive Oil SPF 50+ (€22, 200ml) is THE BEST YET. With a balance of two oils: a 40% dry oil and 60% emollient oil to nourish skin, the blend ensures that the oil coats the skin thoroughly to provide maximum protection. Mens hairy arms? No problem, this won't stick to his beaver fur but will penetrate into the skin. Squirming kids? Squirt the oil into the palms of your hand, and smoosh it all over them before they race off. Because the oil glides and penetrates instantly you won't have to pin them down while you rub, rub, rub it in.
This clear oil is light, nourishing and suitable for even the trickiest of sensitive skin complaints like eczema and psoriasis. It's perfect for the face and has the highest UVA and UVB protection that it's possible to humanly achieve which means that - in a nutshell - summer's on.
I've actually run out of reasons to tell you unequivocally to get some now. Right now. Go to the chemist with urgency and grab it from the shelves.
Probably the best sun protection in the world.