Our friends at Essie are getting into the sequin spirit with this new nail collection.
There's no time of year when glitter feels quite as acceptable (or necessary!) as it does during the festive season. Fun nails are such a great way to boost your look. And glittery nail polish is a lovely way to doff your cap to sequins without covering every inch of yourself in them. Although, if you're brave enough, you might consider doing both!
This new offering from Essie will certainly allow you to sparkle in style. These polishes are designed to be worn as top-coats over your favourite nail colour. They offer every level of sparkle, from a gorgeously subtle reflective pearl finish to a full-on disco ball nail that contains different sized glitter fragments that catch the light beautifully.
They can also be worn alone and although they're not opaque glitters, they do create an obscenely sparkly finish when you build them.
There are five shades in the range; all titled with the fun names we're used to from Essie polishes. I've applied one coat of luxeffects over a dark navy blue polish, just to highlight the colours.
I've also applied three coats of my favourite - stroke of brilliance - a soft blue glitter, to a bare nail. As you can see, it builds quite nicely.
The Luxeffects Collection top coats are available now, priced €9.99. Do you see yourself sporting sparkly nails at the office party? Let us know in the comments!