I've been keeping an interested eye on the newfangled Embrowdery service that Up To My Eyes in Greystones recently launched, ever since I spotted that owner Elaine McParland was beyond in the Far East (Singapore) learning the craft of eyebrow cloning. Which sounds terrifying.
It's actually a form of semi-permanent eyebrow make-up, where fine strokes of pigment are sketched into the top layer of anaesthetised skin using a manual handheld device that looks, for all the world, like a large calligraphy pen... Except that it's topped with a needle, rather than a nib. Yowza. The brow strokes are built up over the course of a few visits, meaning that you have time to reflect on the shape and shade of your new brows, as well as make any changes, before committing to them.
The idea is to simulate the look of individual brow hairs to give a natural, three-dimensional result, and clients who've had the treatment say that they're only plagued with people wanting to touch their eyebrows afterwards because no-one can believe it's not butter hair.
Will we have a goo at some befores and afters to see if it's actually any cop? We will, sure.
full size, embiggenable pics are in Embrowdery's before & after gallery
Mam has literally a line of one or two hairs making up her brows thanks to a youth misspent overplucking them into oblivion, and she is verrry interested in this Embrowdery business. If I ever get around to Setting A Date, I think she'll probably go for it and I reckoned I'd give it a mention incase anyone with very sparse, gappy, fair, or uneven eyebrows (or those with no brow hair at all) who feel that they spend all their time drawing the feckers into place might be similarly intrigued.
Now, let's talk about the bottom line. Embrowdery will set you back a not inconsiderable €380 buckaroos. (Maybe I should have checked you were sitting down before springing the price on you.) This gets you get an personalised consultation and initial treatment, which takes two hours, together with two follow-up visits for tweaking the brow strokes to your desired specifications. And while the results aren't permanent, since pigment is applied to the epidermis and so will eventually fade as the skin renews itself, I'm assured that they last for 2 years.
What do you think? Is this the next big thing in eyebrow fixin'?
For more information, visit embrowdery.ie