We love catwalk copies, we love dupes of high end cosmetics and we love anything that will save a bit of cash. Penneys is the go to store for any smart girl who loves fast, disposable fashion.
I mean it's an Irish source of pride to say when complimented: "This dress?! Designer? You must be joking! A tenner in the Dunnes sale."
So we're not going to be hypocrites: we love a bit of designer bling that's less designer and more high street copy.
But goddamit we hate stealing and blatant copying... don't we? I mean we didn't like it AT ALL when Claire's Accessories ripped off Tatty Devine. So we don't like it when a big company rips off a small designer but we have no problem if it's the other way round?
Or do we. I know Friday afternoon may not be the best time to raise difficult moral questions, but sure what of it. Is it actually ethically right for mass fashion stores to blatantly rip off designers? And send out press releases featuring side by side comparisons of the rip offs. so that magazines and the like can do "Get the look for less" features.
We do it ourselves - and we love doing it.
I'm actually confuzzled by this whole issue. I think we need to have a poll to resolve things. Get voting and tell me what you think!