Smooth Groove for Camel Toe Prevention: Don't all Rush at Once

camel toe


Who in the name of Jesus thought this up?  A revolutionary invention (according to its makers) it frees women from the embarrassing problem of trousers getting wedged in the unmentionable place.

Smooth Groove is a piece of plastic to stick down your knickers in case you might accidentally display some camel toe action.  It looks like a sanitary towel.  A plastic sanitary towel.  It's washable, antibacterial and "shaped for comfort."


Susan Laurie is apparently the brains behind this fabulous invention.    "Frustrated by the necessity to change clothes or put on a long top, Susan searched the internet, expecting to find a camel toe solution. She was horrified to discover that, instead of something she could purchase, she could only find dozens of websites devoted to ridiculing women, including celebrities, with this common problem."

So in she went to her workshop, creating something that surely costs about 5p to make but retails for £15.

Tight trousers riding up and getting stuck in the wedge?  Is camel toe such a problem that you would shell out for a Smooth Groove (even the name is CRINGE!)?  Or would you prefer to buy a pair of trousers that er, fit?

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