Pantone's Colour of the Year 2013 Is Emerald - Will You Be Rocking The Trend?

 Emerald pantone colour of the year 2013

This year it was tangerine, and next year the colour experts at Pantone have decreed that emerald - a 'lively, radiant, lush green' - will be the colour of the year. It's had a surge of popularity in recent years  - ever since Kiera Knightley rocked that dress in Atonement back in 2007. But we can expect to see it cropping up everywhere next year from the catwalk to the highstreet to a beauty counter near you  - as well as sprinkled liberally across interiors, packaging, print and graphic design.

According to the Pantone peeps,  'Emerald brings a sense of clarity, renewal and rejuvenation.' Wish I'd known that before I started this 10 day detox, I'd have slapped on a birra green and saved myself the hardcore caffeine withdrawal symptoms.

Kermit taught us that it's not easy being green, so to help you out, here's a few gorgeous emerald items that will let you get a headstart on the trend.

ONE How glamorous is this slinky sequinned number from ASOS? Find it here for €77.78 (at time of writing), down from €104.18.


TWO Nail the trend with a coat or two of the blingtastic Picadilly Circus Nail Jewellery from Nails Inc. It's €16.50 and you can read our full review here.

THREE These multi-tone ear-rings definitely make a statement and would take you through the party season with ease -  they're just €11 from Warehouse.

FOUR Sleek's Eye Dust in Jet Set is a little pot of sparkly emerald loveliness.

FIVE Get in line for Eyeko's Skinny Eyeliner in Emerald Green, a gorgeous vivid shade.

What do you reckon, will next year be the year you go green? Or does the whole colour-of-the-year shebang go right over your head? Tell us what you think in the comments!

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