Lorraine gave us her tell the truth and shame yourself scarlet product the other day, and now here I am 'fessing up to (one) of mine.
We had a Yes/No take on glitter before Christmas: Jane Cunningham from British Beauty Blogger came down firmly against the sparkly stuff while Fluff and Fripperies' Emma Henderson declared herself all for it.
Me? Well, I used to regularly glitz up my eyes every weekend until I got so fed up with still picking glitter off my cheeks on a Tuesday that I stopped. That, and I kinda felt it was a bit, er, undignified now that I wasn't 25 anymore. But there's one place I never stopped bringing the bling: my nails.
Rescue Beauty glitter polishes cost $18, you'll pay a hefty whack for shipping; Gosh's Nail Glitter costs €6.99
In fact, the older I get, the more I seem to adore glittery talons. Sequins, pailettes and sparkles - yep, I'll have 'em all on hands please and the very best glitters I've come across are from Rescue Beauty Lounge, a US brand which has a nail bar in New York. All too often glitter polish looks great in the vial but is a wishy-washy let down on the hands. This stuff? Full, flashy coverage in two-to-three coats. I bought two of my bottles in-store there after a manicure, and my third, Locavore, was a surprise pressie from Himself this Christmas after I admired it and then left the page open on my laptop - quite unintentionally, actually.
Rescue Beauty glitters in (clockwise from top left) Locavore, Look Rich, Be Cheap and Frugalista; Gosh Nail Glitter in (top down) Blue Sapphire, Amethyst Purple and Gold
Gosh's glitter pots are also a great way to get on the blingin' bandwagon: Lynnie recently gave us a neat step-by-step on the easiest, least messy way to use loose glitter and I recommend a read if you intend to indulge, it really is the best way to do it. These work excellently as an accent nail; they're nice mixed with each other and you can use them to create glitter tips too - just paint on a careful line of clear varnish for a fake french then quickly dip talons into the pot. Great stuff altogether.
And as for removal? I'm gonna just 'fess up and admit it. Feck all that tinfoil wrap palaver: I PICK IT OFF, BITCHES. It's the easiest way.
Psst: I'm not alone in the Beaut.ie fambily for my love of the sparkles - Lynnie's a fan too. Check out her recent purchases from the Nicki Minaj for Opi collection for even more reflective goodness.