Firstly, don't let the name put you off: TINTED MOISTURISER! My nemesis product!
Because Clinique Moisture Surge Tinted Moisturiser SPF15, €28.50, is not a tinted moisturiser as we know and hate 'em, thanks be to Jaysis. It's fine, sheer-to-medium fluid foundation in six shades that gets its TM moniker, I assume, from the fact that the brand has slotted it into its Moisture Surge category. But it is a light foundation, so you would definitely use all your skincare steps pre-application.
Right, that sorted, here's what I thought. I've gotta bring up the name again: I'd never in a trillion light years have even thought of giving this a go but it was used on me when I went to check out the Service as You Like it offering recently, and subsequently the brand send me a sample. And I like it a lot. My shade is 01 and it's a pretty good match; coverage is a little better than sheer.
Clinique describes this as a gel-cream texture and it sets on the skin to a satin finish. While it lasts the course of day on my horrid Saharan complexion no probs and is very comfortable to wear, I think oilier types will find it might have good benefits for them too. Sebum-prone skin can be dehydrated and this has skincare benefits to help with that, but also film-formers to stick the makeup to the skin to help it last. It's worth asking for a sample anyway - the brand has a new dramming service at counters now so should be able to dispense you a pump or two.
Downsides? Six shades ain't a lot and if you love and adore coverage this isn't one for you at all at all. At almost €30, it's not the cheapest either.
Have you tried it?