There were showgirls, cocktails, dancing and more feather boas than you could shake a stick at. Taking place in Dublin's Cafe en Seine, last night's launch of Benefit's 45-minute film, Glamouriety, was kitsch, camp and all kinds of wonderful.
The film - telling the story of Benefit founders Jean and Jane Ford - is a stroke of marketing genius, masterfully using the art of storytelling to bring the brand alive. It's a hilarious all singing, all dancing production that's brilliantly executed and portrays some of the key moments in the evolution of the company.
My favourite moment? Definitely The Ballad of Benetint, which spills the beans on how the popular lip and cheek stain started out. An aging stripper sings, "But these double Ds, they troubled me, I had invisible nipples, that no-one could see" - until Benetint came along, that is! (Read the full story of Benetint's creation here). Other characters include the sexy Dr Feelgood, the Reverend Gloria and Benefit's most loyal customer, Ralph - who just happens to be a cross dressing farmer.
With Mark Rogers, Benefit's Irish Make Up Artist and Training Manager
The main message from the film is that make up is all about fun, and that's a principle we hold dear at Beaut.ie, too. You can watch it yourself on YouTube here, but I'll leave you with a line from the closing song: "Sometimes life can be a drag, so pull some magic from your bag. Laughter is the best cosmetic - so grin and wear it."
We couldn't put it better ourselves!