We've got something ABSOLUTELY ACE for you today!
It's a chance to trial a brand new, not even on the shelves yet, luxury skincare product. 40 of you will receive a full size product to review. You'll use it for a month and then give us feedback with your opinion. It's so secret that I have been sworn to silence and can't tell you what it is. Well I could - but then I'd have to kill you mwah ha ha.
The brand values Beaut.ie opinion so highly that they'd like you guys to be the first to try it out and tell the world what you think.
Sound good? You bet it does!
How to apply:
1. Send an email to info[a]beaut.ie with MYSTERY SKINCARE TRIAL in the subject line
2. Tell us these four things so we can be sure that the product is right for you: name, age, skintype and the name that you comment under, if you comment.
And that's it! We'll be in touch if you're one of the lucky ones and let you know all the details!