Approaching March, I think it's fair to say that we've all broken our new years resolutions and broken out the white wine. Though I've mellowed massively since it became legal for me to go clubbing, I still indulge in a glass of fine (cough, €4 from Lidl, cough) wine. Unfortunately, I'm prone to whopper hangovers, the size of Michael Fassbender's, err, acting ability. God, what I'd give to have that acting ability.
Anyway, I digress, my point is that hangovers can deal a big blow. I wake up with skin drier than Pat Kenny, mouth that feels like Pat Kenny's hair and general sense of health that is as dodgy as Pat Kenny's sense of humour. (Or lack thereof).
What's worse than this is that the hungover masses are expected to scrub up and join the goodie-no-sick-stained-shoes when clocking-in time rolls around. I've got some budget friendly products to turn the walk of shame into a stride of pride. No longer will you hide behind your laptop, clutching coffee and praying for a half day that won't come!
Firstly, pay somebody to roll you out of bed. When that's done, take yourself to the bathroom and scrub your morning-after mouth away with Lush's Toothy Tabs €3.10. I tried the Aquatic flavour and was blown away. It felt like there was a party in my mouth and only dentists were invited. It really foams up and tastes so strongly of herbs that I felt like I'd put a power hose in my gob.
Now that your smile is sorted, your lips might need some TLC. I scrub off whatever dry skin hasn't already been grated off by stubble (this is a joke, the only kisses I get are from my cat and even he is reluctant) with Lush's sugar scrub in Mint Julip.
Granted, you could whip one up yourself but I'm no Rachel Allen and prefer the YAMMY minty goodness of Lush's offering. These cost €6.75 and will last for months. I follow this up with a really intensive lip balm, something like Nuxe's Reve De Miel.
When you make it to the kitchen, pour yourself a glass of water and throw in a soluble vitamin C tablet. I think these are lifesavers. I have to avoid caffiene, so this is where I get my energy fix. Also, let's be real, you probably lost whatever nutrients you had while talking down the Big White Telephone to God.
This is one of the cheapest that I've found, has a nice orange flavour and is packed with vitamins. The exact price escapes me, Though I'm sure it was under €3 for the tube.
If your skin gets really dry like mine does, it's best to lash on a super-hydrating oil. It might seem like a bit of a faff but on days when I've skipped it, I end up flaking - no matter what care I've taken with foundation. I've been usuing the Nourishing Oil by Skin Essentials, €15.50, for over a week now. As it's an oil, it's provides more moisture than a cream and feels so soothing on uncomfortably dry skin. It's supposed to be used sparingly, just a dropped mixed in with your regular moisturiser but it can be used neat on very parched complexions.
I will have to leave it longer before I can recommend it properly, but this is what I'm loving at the minute. While I'm still putting this through its paces, you could check out the comments on the post that Kirstie wrote about her very dry skin, there were some excellent suggestions there!
Those are my hangover savers! What are yours?