I dished up a new skincare secret (Body Shop Vitamin E Mask used three ways) a couple of weeks ago but that's not the only thing I've been lashing on recently to try to hydrate my hide.
Everyone's got a particular 'skin thing' that they have daily or weekly fights with; mine is trying to get and keep moisture in, and it's a never-ending battle. I've good skin in general - fingers crossed - and a lot of the reason I haven't yet had to resort to heavy-duty anti-ageing products like retinols and lots of peels and acids for example is my complete obsession with moisturisation. (Not exposing my skin to sun helps too, of course).
See, plump, hydrated skin is skin that's less lined looking, and that's one biiiiig anti-ageing trick right there. If you're finding that all of a sudden, you're looking a bit more folded-looking than usual, chances are it's not a sudden onslaught of ageing but in fact, dehydration. A new routine or thicker moisturiser, hydrating serum or both will solve that for you fairly quickly.
For me, my eyes show the signs of ravage first. If skincare doesn't suit, the skin directly below and to the sides turns into crackly paper. Crows feet appear as if from nowhere with the pleasing effect of self as ancient crone. Up to fairly recently I hadn't actually used eye creams regularly because the rest of my routine compensated and I used oils right up into the eye contour, but I'm now finally having to add one in daily.
I've actually long been a fan of Sisley's completely fantastic Eye Contour Mask, €86, for 30mls. Oh christ, it's a hell of a price but Sisley's masques are the skincare pick from this brand I hugely rate - I'm less wowed by its moisturisers. There are several facial ones that are over €100 that are just works of wonder too, including the new rose anti-ageing offering. I've resisted blogging about them considering price - let me know in comments if you'd be interested - but as a masque sceptic in general, I can say these ones work. As they should, given what you pay (mine was a press sample, mwhahaaah).
So, Eye Contour Mask. You're meant to apply, leave it on for 10 minutes or so and tissue off, but I have a habit of leaving it on overnight and in the morning any Saharan evidence is banished. Ghoulish craters are plumped and it's altogether excellent and skin-saving.
A few times a week, I'm also applying Nuxe's newly reformulated Creme Prodigieuse Eye, €18.50. This was in the debut line of products from the brand when it first launched so came in for a reformulation this year, when it was sent for test. It's a good price, you get 15mls and it has a nice, smooth and quite thick, balm-like texture that's very soothing on this area but crucially not heavy or hard to apply. It sinks in well, hydrates nicely, plays well with whatever else I use and provides a good base for makeup. Eye like it. (Geddit? Groan).
Lastly, Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Eye, €35, for 15ml, is also getting regular outings at night time. As a fan of the companion serum which genuinely wowed me, I'd have to say this isn't quite as amazingly impressive. I may not be quite right for it though as it has some big boasts to do with micro-circulation thanks to the inclusion of Butcher's Broom, which can help decrease puffiness.
I don't suffer from bags or puffiness, thankfully, so haven't noticed anything there. I do look less tired, so perhaps there is something in it. Ingredients also number nourishing oils and hydrating elements like squalane too, good things in my book.
And here are some all-important product blobs.
Have you tried any of the above or do you have eye cream or masque recommendations of your own? Leave 'em in a comment!