Barry M caused something of a furore among nail polish fiends last autumn with the release of their black crackle topcoat Instant Nail Effects. Shrinking on the nail as it dried to reveal glimpses of the coloured polish underneath the crazy paving effect it created, it divided opinion and had the fans who thought it was gorgeous, not gick, stalking Barry M stands on a near daily basis, desperately trying to track down an elusive bottle. And unlike Isa Dora's Graffiti Nails, it was only available in black - until now.
Pink, blue, and white versions of Instant Nail Effects are currently available on the Barry M website (in store from the end of April priced at €5.95) and it seems that several other nail polish companies have also decided that coloured crackle topcoats are what we all need in our lives.
Nails Inc are on the case with Special Effects, 17 Cosmetics are releasing a pale gold crackle topcoat called Nail Xtra tomorrow, and OPI's Black Shatter is to be joined by a silver version, imaginatively named Silver Shatter, in their Pirates of the Caribbean collection due out in May. Meanwhile, Models Own and WAH Nails have joined forces again to release a line of nine coloured crackle topcoats (€7.50). Dubbed Smash-Up, the colours available will include orange, purple, turquoise, and yellow. The line will be debuting in Boots stores from 20th April and will also available online via the Models Own website.
I have to confess that I feel kind of over crackle finish nail polish at this stage, and I'm not sure that these Emperor's new clothes offerings are really going to reignite my enthusiasm. (Obviously I reserve the right to completely change my mind and subsequently rave about them when I actually get my paws on a few of them to try.)
What do you think of these new coloured-y crackle finish topcoats?