Feck pastels: Part of Bourjois' just-about-to-land Paris Ballerine collection (which hits stands in March) is So Laque nail polish in Bleu Asphalte, €7.99, and it is Oh-So-Lovely.
Where the last dark the brand released was the browny-grey Gris Cashmere, this has a lot more blue in the mix, so the result is a dark, greyed-out purple that's really nice on the hands.
I present the evidence:
My nails are still in 'recovery' mode from simultaneously deciding to all break and split so they don't really do it justice.
So, I love the price and the shade on this Bourjois newbie, but are there any negatives? Yeah - it's not a one-coater and you'll need at least two. I've worn this twice now and have found the first coat will be streak-city, the second evens things up but I think you need a third layer for true opacity. It depends, of course, on how heavy-handed you are with your coats of paint, but I prefer to start thin and work up for a decent finish.
It's a very small negative and nothing to put me off the polish or recommending it to you lot. This is definitely worth a punt.