Watching this by now infamous first kiss from the American reality show Virgin Diaries makes me feel more than a little ill.
It was HORRIBLE on so many levels. It's the lunge. The clashing of teeth. The clumsy jawing at one another. And what made it zillion times worse was that their families and all their friends and the whole world via telly were watching.
AND that they had waited their whole lives for this gross kiss. Ah listen virgins. Would yis not have had a few quick "practices" beforehand? No no needed to have known. ANYTHING rather than what happened.
Apparently the wedding night was also a disappointment. I'm honestly not surprised if that kiss was anything to go by. And you just know it was.
What was your first kiss like? A spit covered lunge after the GAA disco perhaps. Or a lockjaw attempt in the Gaeltacht maybe.
I could be wrong? Violins might have played, angels sung and it might have been the most perfect romantic experience ever.
But I seriously doubt it!