There they were - the dreaded words: "New Formula".
On an already much-loved product, this is rarely good news. Sure, the product might be improved, but it's not usually the case in my experience. And this time they were messing with a long-time favourite: Nuxe Rêve de Miel Hand and Nail Cream, €12.
I've been using it for a good ten years now, and while I've tried other hand creams during the time, I've always come back to the Nuxe one. It's not an especially innovative product - formulated with honey, various plant oils and vitamin E, it's not that different to products offered by many of the botanical brands on paper - but it has always worked well for me and I've never found an alternative that has been as effective and as pleasing to use.
Unfortunately I don't have the ingredient list for the old formula available to compare exactly what has changed, but many of the botanical ingredients sounds the same, with perhaps the exception of argan oil, which has been added to the new formula. So I can't hazard a guess as to why, but the new one is just not as good.
The old one was light and sank in easily, leaving a slight creamy trace behind on my hands, but in a pleasant way. It wasn't super rich in texture, but it was effective and my hands always felt much more comfortable after use. The new one has a very similar texture, but it just doesn't feel the same on my skin. It does sink in well, but it leaves my hands still feeling slightly rough when they're very dry and instead of the creamy feeling, I can feel that synthetic, silicone slip which I don't really like.
And so begins a new search for the perfect handcream...
Has a similar disaster ever befallen you? Do the words "new formula" strike terror into your very heart? Share all in the comments below, while I try not to hyperventilate at the thought that my beloved Rêve de Miel lip balm might be next in line for reformulation ...