Pink is the colour of the season for lips, and I for one couldn't be happier. On trend or not, pink is always my go-to hue: it goes with pretty much everything, brightens my face, lifts my mood, and I feel more confident about wearing it than red or berry shades.
It's my make-up equivalent of a comfort blankie.
Ogling the matte hot pink pouts that were out in force at the Spring/Summer 2011 shows at the likes of Diane Von Furstenberg and Jil Sander and Prada, however, it became obvious that there was a gaping non-gloss fuchsia shaped hole in my pink lippie collection.
That appalling oversight was righted with one impromptu trip to MAC. Initially a bit iffy about (a) the shocking brightness and (b) the creme formula of the Girl About Town, €17.50, prescribed by a disinterested SA to satiate my hot pink semi-matte cravings, it's now my very favourite thing.
Girl About Town is a cool-toned fuchsia and the colour payoff is so immense that patting a small amount on with the tip of a finger gives a bright, nearly matte, lipstain-ish finish. It can also be built up easily, blotting between applications, for a bolder look.
Seriously. LOVE.
Jil Sander image from nohanoor.blogspot.com