Colour me rose gold: this little stick of blush-based business is part of IsaDora's spring collection, Fanciful. And yes, it is a little Nars Multiple-alike. Though a warning! It's nowhere near the size of one and while it looks small, it does contain just under 5g of product, so should last you a while.
The shade is a very pretty peach with subtle gold shimmer. It's really nice and this is just such a flattering tone for most people. If you like Benefit Coralista or Nars Orgasm, then you will like this. Best bit? It's a bit less than half the price of each at €14.95.
Lets look at it again. *happy sigh*
I can be a bit wary of stick blushers sometimes because they can be a bit hard in texture, and when you apply to your cheeks, you end up scraping your foundation off. This is actually quite soft and creamy in use, but even so, I'd recommend applying to the fingers first and then patting into place on the skin; you can then gently blend it to smooth out any hard edges. A duo-fibre brush would work really well here too.
There I am there now for you all on the left, and a swatch on my hand is on the right. Colour is lovely and shimmer is delicate and subtle - just the way I likes it.