Ah, poor auld Eva Longoria. That long drink of water she was married to went and cheated on her and now her makeup artist's done a number on the Desperate Housewife too. Courtesy of my addiction (curse it) to dailymail.co.uk, I spy yet another of the makeup malfunctions the paper is so keen to gleefully point out. As further evidence that women are such silly creatures, you understand.
They'd want to catch me after a few sherries of a Saturday night, if they think this looks bad.
Clearly, all she's "guilty" of is a little over zealous highlighter usage coupled with an unfortunate exposure to flash photography - the brightening, light-reflective pigments in products like Touche Eclat react to camera flashes to deliver the much-admired Reverse Panda FX.
The fact she looks like Adam Ant just adds to the fun. It's certainly no Russell Brand Tweeting a pic of Katy Perry minus slap, is it? I'd have bloody killed him, if that had been me, and then marched him to Brown Thomas' bag department and demanded he make sufficient amends.
So, back to Eva and her makeup malfunction - whaddya reckon? Big deal or total no-no? Take the poll and lets go!
Eva pic via Dailymail.co.uk